Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rain = Interstate 81

We had hoped to travel the Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline Drive, a route we enjoyed in 2005 with our neighbour Dennis. Unfortunately it was pouring rain for two days so we decided to take interstate 81 north which travelled through many states. Ultimately we arrived in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Bev really was keen on civil war history and was looking forward to this town. Interstate 81 was great as long as it wasn't raining TOO hard and we could keep up with the trucks....BUT, unfortunately during heavy downpours we slowed down, Dave put his flashers on, but the trucks keep on moving and their heavy spray added to the rain. ..... not the most pleasant drive. At one point at a rest stop, someone said they had seen us on the highway and thought "wow,now there are a couple of hard core bikers...." so, who would'a thunk that was us.

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