Saturday, September 20, 2008


We spent another day in Memphis, rode the trolley, saw famous Beale Street with its many blues bars and outside bands as well as the Civil Rights Museum (which is placed at the former hotel where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 5, 1968). There is a picture of the balcony near room 306, on which he was shot. We visited the Museum of Rock and Soul which cronicles the sharecroppers who migrated up hwy 61 bringing their music to Memphis. It seems that Memphis was the hub for joining black soul and blues music and white country and hillbilly music and strains of other types of music blended to create rock and roll.

In the evening we went to see an Elvis tribute singer....Bev was relieved it wasn't the heavy guy with long sideburns and dressed like Elvis in the audience....phew, hey girls this guy can wear those tight pants.

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