Thursday, May 28, 2015

Hoodoos and Hard Riding

We set out from Drumheller and after a short ride through the famous Alberta Badlands, arrived at the Hoodoos.  Now the name Hoodoos arise from the West African Hausa language for evil magic, AKA "voodoo"...and Bev taught high school in Nigeria though never got involved in voodoo, though she did eat fried termites.

We continued south on hwy 56 and lo and behold our old friend "the rain" returned.  It wasn't bad until we hit Hwy 1, the Trans-Canada, and the winds that had been at our backs (which were not noticeable) became nasty vicious cross winds.  We could barely see and slowed down to about 80 km/hr. In desperate need of a break we pulled off at the first of two exits for the tirst town we came to -  Bassano, We drove past a hotel and a gas station with expectations of soon arriving at the town and a restaurant.  Unfortunately Bassano only consists of that gas station and hotel!!!  We continued back on to the highway and headed back to Bassono where we pulled off at the gas station.  Dave stopped at the entrance; it was mushy gravel and he was contemplating on whether to proceed. Bev was cold and needed a warm beverage ans a washroom break.....she hesitated for a second and then turned her bike right at 90 degrees and headed across the muck to the concrete that surrounded the pumps.  Dave had no choice but to follow.  Shortly after their arrival, a large bus full of of NATO soldiers from CFB Suffield appeared. They created a coffee lineup and the men's washroom was backed up.  Bev had a quick pee.
From Bassano we continued on to Medicine Hat where the rain finally stopped. We pressed on through the Cypress Hills, and when we arrived in Swift Current (about 500 km from Drumheller) the sun finally appeared.

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