Friday, August 8, 2008

Additional Photos

2 = Marias Pass, south end of Glaciar Park, Montana.

1 = Alberta Beef on the move (who said they were "mad"?, they're just out sightseeing like the rest of us)

4 = On the road to Yellowstone

3 = Dave's fully loaded bike (we jetisoned more "stuff" in Edmonton)

6 = Wild begging burrows in the Black Hills, South Dakota

5 = Roadside lunch stop in Wyoming

8 = All kinds of bikes head to the Sturgis bike rally.....this bike could only do 70 miles with that teardrop gastank......remember the classic bike Peter Fonda rode? He said he could only ride it for 10 minutes of filming and then his arms got too tired, just imagine this chap riding over a 1000 miles to Sturgis....yup, I'm impressed with the stamina though maybe not with the saddle-bagged trailer.

7 = The Badlands are huge and there remain bad guys in 'em too.


Unknown said...

Hey guys, what an adventure you're having. We're enjoying vicariously.
Being a little older, we're following your footsteps somewhat more slowly (by car) - currently we're about a year behind, in the Finger Lakes.
All the best!

Bev & Dave said...

Hey Cheryl and Vernon, yes we heard from Brent that you were south. The Finger Lakes are spectacular and they have great wineries too. Love ya, Bev.