Thursday, August 7, 2008

Green Eyed Monsters

Camping can be interesting....especially when you have to visit the loo in the middle of the night (a function of age). Bev got up, got her flashlight and headed off at about 2 am. When returning to the tent, she saw two sets of green eyes staring at her (in first photo at about the date were these wild creatures). She could vaguely see the outline of the animals who had turned around to stare when hearing her. Were they bears? coyotes? wild dogs? She made a 180 degree turn and hastily returned to the safety of the washroom. Now, what were her options? After fretting for about 10 minutes, she peeked out and saw the way was clear. Carefully she moved along her plotted route only to find one set of green eyes staring at her from about 40 feet ahead. At a gallop she returned to the washroom....ok, options? Well, the washroom was at least warm, but then again it was only 2 am and it would be a long time there. She opened the door and yelled at the top of her lungs..DAVVEEE, response, he was in a nice REM mode. Sitting for another 30 minutes, contemplating her toenail polish, she took control of herself and peeked out again. No eyes ..... okkkk, carefully she moved so quietly, finally reaching the tent. Waking up Dave to share the excitement of her courageous return, he decided to visit the loo too. As he left, he heard Bev say "Dave, if you see any green eyes let me know if I can help in any way from inside the tent!"
If that wasn't enough stress for Bev, the next night of camping she and Dave woke to 10 celcius temperature.....Bev had to put on gloves to hold the tent poles.....ewwwwwwwwww, but there were no green eyed monsters.

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